Clark Lee [CL]
Jake Galdo [JG]
Alton Brown [AB]
Tyler Florence [TF]
Peter Reinhart [PR]
Professional Chef [PC]
Professional Baker [PB]
King Arthur [KA]
Thomas Keller [TK]
This blog is written by two pharmacy students who really like to cook. A lot. While sitting down to our most recent feast of magnificence we started commenting on the string of consecutive delicious productions we had made over the week. We were having trouble remembering everything and one of us jokingly said that we should start a blog and just talk about the food we make. So here it is. This is what we made to eat.
I love it! I'm The Reader! Like Brett and Jemaine's biggest fan! I'll be posting weird artwork of you guys on my own blog and stalking your girlfriends.....yes Clark, "presto" is Italian.