Equal parts white wine and fresh squeezed orange juice. About a cup each. About a teaspoon of sugar. A few pinches of dill. Fresh would be great. Dried is what I have. A little salt and pepper. I had someone make me this recipe about six years ago and I tried doing it once myself about a year later from memory. That's all I remember there being in the recipe and it was really good. I think the braising technique has a lot to do with the flavor. That and the quality of OJ you use (fresh squeezed will be much better than from a container) and probably the wine you use, too. I use crappy wine, hence the addition of sugar. Otherwise it's a little bitter.
I add the wine to the pan (medium heat) first to cook of some of the alcohol. Then add the oj and sugar, s/p, dill. Add the salmon face down and turn the heat down a little, about med-low. Let the salmon cook for ~5-7 min, then flip and let go til done. Remove from the pan.
Make a smaller quantity of the sauce again to pour over the fish. It adds flavor without adding the fishy taste of your braising liquid.
I love fried plantains. They're extremely easy. Slice them up. Heat some butter in a pan and let them go til they get dark. Just make sure the plantains are ripe before you use them. Otherwise, you'll be posting pics on your blog with an empty space where the plantains were supposed to be.
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