I love jam... but only when it is just crushed fruit. I hate that fake crap. And then to go to the store it is way too expensive to buy the good stuff. So what should we do? Make our own? OK. Alton Brown had a fun episode about jamming years ago, and Clark and I got to catch a repeat. He made a blueberry jam which I did a few months back. Five jars lasted all of one month. I will make another post later about the jamming/preserving process. For a history jam you do want 1:1 of fruit and sugar.
Two pounds of fresh strawberries, cleaned and large chopped
848 grams of sugar
1/2 lemon, juiced
2 tsp of apple cider vinegar
pinch of salt
1 packet of pectin
Start to cook everything but the sugar. As the juices start to come mash it! Once you have the ratio of whole to mashed you like as the sugar. Turn the heat to high and go until a full boil and temperature hits 212 F. This kills most bacteria.
Again the rest of the process will be in the jamming post.
Editor's Note:
This is good. Really, really good. And I have only had it on pita bread so far. I almost started to drink this.
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